Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Future Ambitions

For the sake of the kids' diary - my ultimate intent for blogging - I am recording what their current plans are for the future, as told to me this evening.

Seth, age five:

1. Ice cream maker
2. Chair builder (a.k.a. carpenter)

Hannah, age seven:

1. Store clerk
2. Knitter and sewer
3. Construction worker

At present, it appears there are no budding neurosurgeons or rocket scientists. Apparently that means that their dad and I will have to depend on our own limited savings for retirement. {Big Sigh}


Rachel R said...

That's sweet.

I wanted to be a Travel Angent for as long as I can remember, as a kid.

Glad I went with a different carrer ;)

Rachel R said...


Darla said...

Funny, Rachel,....I wanted to be a travel agent too all through my teen years....until I found out how hard it was to make a living as one...

Hannah also just told me she wanted to be a hotel clerk. It keeps getting better and better....

Amy St. Pierre said...

Hey, my brother insisted for years that when he grew up, he was going to be a police CAR! Not a policeman, but the car...go figure...me, I always just wanted to be a wife and mother, yea, I did it!!!

Rachel Peterson said...

Im supposed to tell you your ears are growing.

Kelsey said...

Now how does Hannah go from Knitting to Construction? :-)

I remember I always wanted to be a stewardess so I could travel and plus they always seemed so skinny and cute.

We are starting to ask son 12 to pray about a vocation, kinda scarey to imagine they will actually have one some day....