Here are a few pictures of the kidlets.
Seth, being the usual "monkey" boy.
I like this picture of Hannah because it shows how far she's come. A couple of years ago, heights and climbing apparatuses scared her. We had to talk her through trying anything. Now, she pretty much has it licked, and even if something frightens her, she fights her way through it and doesn't give up.
My angels amidst the beautiful backdrop of God's creation.
Dave posing with the kids.
On the "pirate" ship, as the kids call it.
Last but not least, this morning Seth told me to "come and look". He said he "made his bed". Usually he takes all his animals and pillow off and I make it, and then he puts them all back on. This morning he did it himself. I thought his lumpy version was too cute not to take a picture of. I was impressed that he tried without me asking him to.
I love the lumpy The novelty will wear off, but it is great that he wanted to make it all by himself. Showing a streak of independance...yipee!
Awe. Your kids kind of make me almost want to have kids.
Yup. They're the best. One of a kind. Unique.....
Love 'em to death.
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