Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Title

We snuck in a trip to the grocery store this morning after my bus run. While in the store, my kids began their usual, "can we get this, mom?" routine.

One of the things they regularly ask me for is the Yop yogurt drink which I rarely get because it's too expensive. I just get regular yogurt instead that's on sale. However, today Yop was on sale, so much to the kids' delight, I stocked up.

Seth had to to protect them, so excited was he. He had to put them on the counter when I went to pay for them, so excited was he. And, so excited was he that I earned a new title today. On the way out to the car, he exclaimed in total delight:

"Mom, you're the best YOGURT-DRINK-PICKER-UPPER, EVER!"

And so today I proudly wear my badge of honour.


Jenn Penny said...

How clever of Seth, I think we might have to start calling you that now!

Cherylg said...

AWeee That's sweet!!!

Reading the preceeding post about your son, I know where you are coming from. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and it was like havin 3 boys instead of one. He really had struggles with school. Have you looked on the Internet on what foods are good for him and what to stay away from. I am thinking that he needs lots of Omega 3 foods for his concentration. I knew someone that would actually give her son coffee to help him with his issues. I don't know about that, but I am sure there is some foods that may help him.

Have a good day.
God Bless.
Sis' Cheryl

Darla said...

Thanks, Jenn! Looking forward to it.

Cheryl: I guess I should clarify that Seth isn't really ADHD. I used it more as a "tongue-in-cheek" statement of when he gets bored and needs stimulation, but I don't consider him to be much different than any little kid, particularly any boy. I have the greatest respect for a parent of a child with ADHD (like yourself). I hope you don't take offense with my joking about it. If so, I apologize.

Thank you for your kind, encouraging remarks.