Friday, April 10, 2009

About Giraffes

A conversation with my son today went like this:

"Mom, "a" (as in a short "a" sound) is for astronaut!"

"Very good, Seth," was my reply.

"Mom, "du" is for duck!" was his next statement. A chuckle escaped from me, much to his delight.

"Qua is for quilt!" I was impressed by this one. I didn't realize he knew is "q" sounds. He then finished with:

"And "dr" (sounding like "dru", short "u" sound) is for..................................................draff!"...(you know....those long necked creatures).

Time to bring out the old books, I guess.


Laura said...

Uh, Darla, maybe you should send him to public school.........just kidding! Ha! Ha! Too Funny.

V said...

Hahaha! Draff! One time Alana was telling us that when Laurel was little she was positive that "elimeno" (L-M-N-O) was a single letter in the alphabet! Well it is said so fast so I don't blame kids for thinking it's a single letter!!!

Darla said...

Uh, yeah right, Laura.

That's too cute, Vren! Thanks for stopping by my blog every once in a while.